Nurture Award


We are so proud to have been awarded as a national nurturing school in March 2024. Please see our report below and a video we created talking about our school. 

Quotes from our assessment day March 2024:

“There are so many people to turn to for support. They are supportive of all our family, even my children who do not come to this school.” Parent Voice

“We build relationships right from the start of their journey at our school.” Staff Voice

“Nurture is now embedded practice but we will remain open to new ideas and always searching for best practice.” Head Teacher Voice

“You can see the children physically relax while they walk the dog and they really open up and talk.” Support Staff Voice

“I value the parental workshops and coffee mornings, they have opened up the school to me.” Parent Voice

“The school is a real hub for the community, they have strong links with the care home and the church” Parent Voice

“The support network here is so strong we all have each other's backs.” Teacher Voice

“Our nurture journey has been long, it has included many people and been re-visited often; nurture has often featured in the staff meeting agenda.” SLT Voice

“We have seen a positive correlation between attendance and nurture breakfast.” Staff Voice

“There is a strong sense of family and belonging, we are completely valued.” Teacher Voice

Some of the things happening at Hextable Primary School:

  • Nurture groups to help children make sense of their emotions.
  • Reinforcement of all positive behaviours.
  • PSHE curriculum that focuses on qualities that underpin emotional wellbeing.
  • Using the 5-point scale to support children in understanding their feelings.
  • Wellbeing award; we strive to support staff and children with their mental health and wellbeing.

Ways you can work with us to support your child:

  • Attend parent meetings and keep us up to date with any changes that could affect their behavior in school.
  • Join us for school events such as coffee mornings and assemblies as our children feel happy and proud when their parents are in school.
  • Encourage your child to tell you about their learning and what they enjoy at school.
  • Talk with your child about their feelings.

We nurture children:

  • The development of social and emotional skills is at the heart of our curriculum.
  • We use positive reinforcement and nurturing opportunities to recognise and manage their emotions.
  • We act on the pupil voice through questionnaires, class assemblies, circle time and school council meetings.
  • Transitions are carefully planned.
  • Children feel safe at Hextable and are supported to develop their emotional literacy.
  • We understand the children learn and develop at different ages and stages and this is reflected in our curriculum and approaches.

We nurture parents:

  • We make visitors feel safe in our school.
  • We work with parents/carers and other agencies to support the family around the child.
  • We will keep you regularly updated around your child’s progress and development in school.
  • We involve parents and the community in our plans.

We nurture staff:

  • We have a developing wellbeing offer including a wellbeing team, a supervision offer and access to the schools advisory service.
  • Staff are able to access relevant and current training and professional development linked to nurture and wellbeing.
  • Staff feel respected, valued and supported.
  • Staff are included in decision making and planning.
  • Staff are actively involved in Nurturing Schools.

Files to download

Nurture Award Report Hextable

Nurture Leaflet

Nurture Poster

Nurture video