Welcome to Year 6!

Curie Class - Mr. Purton, Mrs Aiano & Mrs StClair (purton2@hextable-primary.kent.sch.uk)

Owens Class - Mr Mills, Miss Ellsley, Miss Jeffries & Mrs Panayiotou (mills@hextable-primary.kent.sch.uk)

Attenborough Class - Miss Smith,  Mrs Wawrzewski  & Mrs StClair (smith2@hextable-primary.kent.sch.uk)

Mrs Sparshott will also be teaching in Year 6, working with all three classes throughout the week. (sparshott@hextable-primary.kent.sch.uk)


    Who was Marie Curie? - BBC Bitesize         Jesse Owens Biography, Olympic Medals and Records                    David Attenborough regrets not seeing his children grow up | David  Attenborough | The Guardian 


Please find the Year 6 Meet the Teacher Powerpoint for 24-25 here.

Term 3

We hope you had a lovely Christmas spent with family and friends and are now feeling refreshed ready for another term back at school. We will continue to use our Growth Mindset in Year 6, to persevere and overcome any challenges. We have lots of fun lined up for this term!

Key dates:


 Term 3 starts - 6.01.25

TT Rockstars Day - 10.01.25

KS2 SATs workshop (2:30) - 23.01.25

Internet Safety Day - 11.02.25

Internet Safety Coffee Morning - 11.02.25

Young Voices (O2) - 4.02.25

Last day of term - 14.02.25


Home work for Term 3


We begin our exploration into Crime & Punishment by reading 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. This is a thrilling book which takes place in Texas, USA where the main character, Stanley Yelnats is in a young offenders prison camp. We will unravel secrets behind the history of Camp Green Lake. We will be using our literary skills to write setting descriptions, newspaper articles as well as recounts and a persuasive speech. 

Please continue to encourage your children to read independently and to discuss what they have read. This will continue to develop their use of language and their ability to infer information from a piece of writing and to gain an understanding of a range of different genres.


This term’s focus in Maths will be ratio, focusing on the relationship between numbers. Please support your child with Maths home learning tasks and if you are not sure of current teaching and learning methods, please ask. We will focus on teaching children how to apply these skills to problems and investigations, developing their understanding of the use of Maths in everyday life. You can help by ensuring that your child knows their tables inside out and back to front – literally!  

Geography & History

For this term we will begin our learning about Crime & Punishment. In this theme we will be learning about the development of Law in the UK from Roman times to modern day. We will be looking at how the role of the police has developed and how criminals are brought to justice. 


We will continue to be learning about Evolution this term. Using the TASC wheel, we will create experiments to test different scientific ideas. The children will learn through practical investigation and research. Please support your children by allowing them to research the topics independently



Year 6 Curriculum Overview 24-25

year 6 curriculum overview 2024 25.pdf

 Year 6 Term 3 Newsletter


newsletter term 3.pdf





 General Reminders 

  • The class doors will be open from 8.40-8:50am. If your child arrives after this time, please take them to the school office. (School telephone number 01322 663792)
  • The school day ends at 3.20pm. If you are unable to collect your child, please telephone the school office.
  • In year 6 many children begin to walk home from school alone or with friends, we are happy for them to do so (as long as you are!) please could you write us a note if you would like this to happen,
  • The children will be doing PE on Monday and Friday. However, sometimes plans change, so we would ask that children have their PE kit in school everyday please. For the colder months this can include jogging bottoms.
  • Please make sure your child’s water bottle is in school every day and that their name is written clearly on the bottle. Please provide children with a pencil case containing handwriting pen, pencil, whiteboard pen, coloured pens/pencils, rubber, ruler, glue stick and sharpener.
  • Home learning will continue to be given out on Thursday and is to be submitted on Class Dojo by Wednesday please.