Welcome to our Year 4 webpage!
Nightingale Class
Miss Smith & Miss Batista
Mandela Class
Mrs Fleming & Mrs Potter
General Information
The class doors will be open from 8:40am. The register will be taken at 8:50am. If your child arrives after this time, please take them to the school office. (School telephone number 01322 663792)
The school day ends at 3:20pm.-3:30pm. If you are unable to collect your child, please telephone the school office.
We understand that sometimes your child may go home with a family member or with one of their friends, we are more than happy for them to do so, but please do let your class teacher know in anticipation of dismissal time.
Term 3 Important Dates
Please contact the school office or your class teacher if you have any questions.
Term 3 Begins – 6/1/24
Young Voices – 4/2/24 (tbc)
Internet Safety Day – 11/2/24
Internet Safety Coffee Morning – 11/2/24 (9:15am)
End of Term – 14/2/24
English: Escape from Pompeii
This term our English text is ‘Escape from Pompeii’. This text will develop our descriptive language in our own writing and we will infer a range of characters’ thoughts and feelings. We will be writing exciting narrative stories, newspaper reports, diary entries and poems. This text will encourage many skills and our imagination.
Maths: Area, Multiplication and Division & Fractions
We will be continuing this term with a focus on multiplication and division. We will be developing our understanding of what multiplication and division are and the written methods you can use. Furthermore, we will focus on length and perimeter. We will explore measuring in kilometres and metres and understand how to find the perimeter of a shape. We will also explore fractions and decimals!
Theme: Rebellious Romans
This term we will be learning about ‘Rebellious Romans’. We will be exploring the lives of the Romans, including jobs, families, homes and much more. We will identify settlements and research their importance. In addition to this, we will explore the expansion of the Roman Empire!
Science: Animals Including Humans
Our Science topic in Term 3 is ‘Animals Including Humans’. We will identify the simple functions of the basic parts of the human digestive system. Also, we will identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions. Furthermore, we will be exploring a variety of food chains and understanding the difference between producer, predators and prey.
Term 3 Home Learning
General Reminders
Home Learning is given out on a Thursday and is due in on a Tuesday. The activity sheet is stuck into your child's home learning book. It is an expectation that all children complete the tasks set within this time.
All of the children will have their PE lessons on Monday's and Thursday's However, during our 12 week swimming course during Term 1, we will have PE on Monday's and Wednesdays. Please ensure your child is sent into school wearing their school PE tracksuit.
Please make sure your child’s water bottle is in school every day and that their name is written clearly on the bottle. Please provide children with a SOFT pencil case containing: writing pencils, handwriting pens, whiteboard pens, large glue sticks, a pink, green and purple biro along with a ruler, sharpener, rubber and their school reading book/reading record.
Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024-25
yr 4 curriculum overview 2024 25.pdf