Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 webpage

We hope you enjoy browsing all of the fantastic learning taking place in our classrooms each term!

We love to keep you updated on Class Dojo too...


The Year 3 Team:

Shakespeare Class - Miss Levey & Miss Mitchell

Elizabeth Class - Miss Carmichael & Mrs Thorne 

Mozart Class- Miss Butler & Miss Roberts/Mrs Bell

Term 3 Newsletter


newsletter t3.pdf


Term 3 Home Learning


home learning year 3 term 3 2023 2024.pdf



Term 3



We will begin this term by completing our block on multiplication and division. Throughout the term we will focus on consolidating and applying our knowledge of the 3, 4, 5 8 and 10 times tables to reason and problem solve. We will then move on to length and perimeter. Throughout this block, children will learn to convert between mm., cm and m as well as finding the perimeter of a range of 2D shapes. They will revisit addition and subtraction from term 1, in order to add and subtract different lengths. 




Our Power of Reading text for this term is ‘What did the tree see?'. This beautiful book will give the children the opportunity to think about how much the world has changed over time. We will look closely at our local history, and the development of Hextable as well as focusing on some more extended pieces of writing. We will continue to develop the children's use of paragraphs within their writing and start to looks at writing chronologically and using timelines. 

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) will again be taught daily this term. We will use various strategies to learn each week’s spellings as well as learning about different grammatical techniques to make our writing fantastic.


 History and Geography

This term, our theme is 'Ancient Civilisations and Achievements'. This brand new theme for our History and Geography lessons will take us back in time to the great civilisations of Ancient Sumer, Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt and the Shang Dynasty. We will explore the chronology of these civilisations, look at their key achievement and learn about the lasting legacies they have left us. Throughout this theme the children will develop their use of timelines as well as begin to use maps and an atlas to plot locations from around the world. 


Year 3/4 Spellings



Year 3 - Meet the Teacher

y3 meet the teacher 2024 2025.pdf




Year 3 - Curriculum Overview


curriculum overview year 3 2024 2025 2 .pdf






