Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 webpage!

We hope you enjoy browsing all of the fantastic learning taking place in our classrooms each term! 


Welcome to Year Two! 

Our Year Two classes are:

Armstrong Class is taught by Mr Taylor and Mrs Butler

 Columbus Class is taught by Miss Dennis, Mrs Ali and Miss Richards

 Seacole class is taught by Miss Keech & Miss Welham


    Spring Term

Our theme this term is Home and Away

Stunning Start

Where did the time capsule in the Year 2 garden come from? It contains lots of photos and artefacts from Hextable in the 1960s... I wonder if this will give us a clue 

Fabulous Finish 

Our Assembly is on Friday 21st March. We are excited to share all of our amazing learning with you through our spectacular assembly. 


History and Science

We will be exploring where we live, and how Hextable has changed overtime. In Science we will be looking at Everday materials and their uses. If you have any links to people, places or resources related to this topic then please come and talk to us. 


Maths will be taught daily.

We will revise skills and strategies introduced in previous years, and we will be working on alternative methods for calculation.

This term we will be focusing on Money

We will also be working on our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Hit the Button           TT Rockstars         Numbots



 We will be exploring the story 'In every House on Every Street'

We will be focusing on descriptive texts and poetry.  

Oxford Owl



In Year 2, we use the Read Write Inc systematic phonics scheme. We will teach this daily. It will build on the experiences and knowledge that your child has had in Year 1.

Keep practising your phonics skills on Phonics Play:

 Phonics Sounds                              Phonics Play 


 Year 2 Spellings:


Year 2 Meet the Teacher:

meet the teacher 2024.pdf


Curriculum Overview: 

year two foundation subject overview 2024 25.pdf


Term 2 Newsletter YR2

newsletter term 2 year 2 2024.pdf