

At Hextable Primary School, we aim to be a school that encourages children to learn sticky scientific knowledge that can be applied through hands-on, real-life enquiries, which in turn will equip our pupils with the fundamental skills of working scientifically. 


Aims of the National Curriculum and the Science programme of study

The national curriculum for science aims to;

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. 
  • Develop an understanding of nature, processes and methods of science through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. 
  • Ensure all children are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


Science at Hextable Primary School


At Hextable Primary School we aim to offer the children real-life and meaningful experiences in order to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding of the world. Our creative curriculum ensures that all of our pupils are motivated, engaged and enthused about every learning experience, inspiring them to become lifelong learners.

Throughout our curriculum coverage, we aim to incorporate the delivery of meaningful, practical, engaging and active lessons. We ensure that our teaching pedagogy involves both conceptual understanding and the chance to explore and enquire too. Our exploration sessions involve practical experiments delivered alongside the learning of new knowledge and skills, allowing children the opportunity to learn as they go and make sense of the scientific processes they have experienced first-hand.

During our Science lessons and through cross-curricular lessons, we encourage our pupils to become independent and resilient learners, providing them with opportunities to explore and investigate any questions they may have about the world around them. In order to facilitate the children's learning and their ability to work scientifically, we use the TASC wheel, which poses challenging questions to the children throughout the process of their enquiry, consistently moving their thinking on, and encouraging our budding scientists to delve deeper and further. 

Giving children to opportunity to experience and solve real-life problems will develop the skills of; organisation, identification, generation of ideas, decision making, evaluation, communication and reflection; all of which will prepare children with the fundamental strategies for becoming successful, lifelong learners. 



  Science and Our Values Subject Overview

Science - Progression of Skills EYFS to Year 6

 Science Vocabulary Progression